Sunday, 21 August 2011

Intro to the Creative Industries

As this is just a quick intro to the creative industries, there are some organisations I would like you to look into, namely the PRS, MCPS, MU, PPL and BASCA.

Performing Right Society (PRS):

The PSR is a non profit organisation that works on behalf of songwriters, publishers and composers who are members. It collects fees from those who use the music or perform it, and then return these royalties to the writers, composers and publishers. The fees are collected from a PRS for Music License that provides the holder with permission to use the music it covers in various forms like radio, public performances, on TV or even online

Mechanical Copyright Protection Society (MCPS)

The MCPS is an organisation that pays royalties to composers/songwriters/publishers from music which is manufactured into any format that allows it to be sold. This includes the likes of CD’s, soundtracks and nowadays, downloadable music. MCPS is now included under the larger organisation of Performing Right Society (PRS) for Music.

The Musicians Union (MU)

The MU is an organisation Musicians working within the UK. It provides it’s members with courses and seminars to help with their development within the industry, free legal advice with the help of NMD solicitors and the best insurance deals on any instrument. They also provide assistance and courses to those looking for careers in tutoring music.

Phonographic Performance Society (PPL)

The Phonographic Performance Society, also known as Phonographic Performance Limited (PPL) aims to uphold the rights of both performers and record companies. PPL allows fractions like radio, TV or internet radio stations to legally use recordings of music or videos throughout the country. These licenses are paid for by the users and the royalties are paid to the original performer and record companies. This leads to greater exposure for the artist as well as royalties through the use of their music in clubs, restaurants and shops.

British Academy of Songwriters, Composers and Authors (BASCA)

The BACSA was founded with the aim to support and protect all songwriters, lyricists and composers, no matter what domain of music they work in, be it artistic or commercial. Their aim is to provide service to its members by providing a sense of community within British talent. They provide seminars, publications and communicate through websites with their members to keep everyone up to date.

One thing I would suggest to you is that you join the MU as soon as possible. It’s £6.75 a month for students, and then it’s bumped up to £13.25 a months for professionals.

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