Sunday 21 August 2011


For your second bass lesson, you will be learning the magic of scales.

A Major





A Minor





These are you Major and Minor scales. Keep in mind that the shape for both of these does not change, no matter where you are on the fret board, unless of course you run out of strings.

Now the second thing in this lesson is the 1, 4, 5 chord progression. This certain chord progression is used in most modern and most basic music. Essentially, what it is, is taking the first, fourth and fifth chords from a scale and playing them. For instance, if we take the A Major scale, the chord progression would go A, D, E. Most types of music use this progression as it’s a fairly simple and great sounding progression.

A good example to practice this with would be something like this;





1st 2nd 3rd

Progression Progression Progression

As you can see, the progressions use the 1st, 4th and 5th chords of the A Major scale.

Now, for your piece that I would like you to learn for your final recording is the Linksong “Hilikus” by Incubus, provided is the tab and a youtube link for the song and pointers on how to play it.

Hilikus - Incubus

Bass Tab






The intro is fairly straight forward here. One thing to look out for, however are the hammer ons and pull-offs in the middle. These need to be quite fast. One other thing that may make playing easier, playing the 7th fret in the D-string (the A note), you can play the 12th fret on the A string. It saves having to move about the fret board as much, but it does make getting back down to the 5th fret on the E string (A) a bit more difficult.






For the verse, there are 2 things I would like to add. For a start, keep the A note on the E-string muted. This helps to give a much punchier feeling to the track and really emphasises the funky nature of the song. The other thing I would like to point out is that, whilst this tab plays the first note (the A) on the E-string, I find it a lot easier to just play and mute the open A-string. It leaves you hand open for you next movement and makes moving from the 11/12th fret on the D-string a whole lot easier.

Pre chorus





The pre-chorus is also quite straight forward. Just make sure you keep all the notes here muted.






The chorus here does not require any muting at all, as it's played with a much more rock feel to it.






The bridge is simply just the first part of the intro repeated again. Simple enough.

Guitar Solo pt. 1









Now, for the guitar solo, the bass line essentially just follows the verse bass line, however, it adds in a little lick at the end. This can be slightly difficult to pull off, but if you manage to get the timing right then well done you.

Guitar Solo pt. 2





The second part of the guitar solo follows the pre-chorus exactly. No need to worry about extra little licks or anything here. Just keep those notes muted.

After the Guitar Solo, the song breaks back into the chorus one more time and finishes on the bridge part.

Now, these are just the certain parts of the song, you will have to go and listen to the song yourself to get the order of all these parts.

Good luck, and Godspeed.

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